Your One Source For Healthcare
Integrated Source One (ISO) is revolutionizing the way healthcare is offered and delivered
through our Direct Patient Care+ (DPC+) offering. Employers and employees can take advantage
of ISO’s preventative and early intervention approach to healthcare, resulting in significant cost
savings on premiums and overall healthcare expenses. Designed to enhance existing healthcare
plans, as well as, provide benefits for the non-insured, our DPC+ model is tailored to ensure
members have 24/7/365 access to comprehensive primary and multidisciplinary care solutions.
By prioritizing personalized, accessible, and effective healthcare, ISO leads the way in creating
healthier, more productive workforces and individuals.
Choose the best healthcare plan for your employees. We offer a robust virtual platform along with multiple programs for your staff to engage in!
Virtual, On-Site, Near-Site and Mobile Clinics
Help your employees save time at the doctor's office by visiting a health clinic virtually, on-site, near-site or
mobile clinic!
Multidisciplinary Specialty Providers
From the sniffles to pulled muscles, our direct care integrated multidisciplinary specialty providers have you covered!